Working Moms: The Juggle is Real!

They say that being a mom is one of the most rewarding roles a woman can play. As it turns out, it is also one of the toughest! Juggling motherly duties around the clock is no easy feat. From dawn till dusk, and often long into the night, working moms truly have their work cut out for them.

But hey, we’re not complaining! After all, our kids are what make our world go round! So, how do we do it? How do we get enough sleep, find time to eat, and (if we’re lucky) have some time to ourselves? It’s magic. Pure mom magic (and a lot of caffeine). That’s the only logical explanation.

We asked our REACH mommas what they do to find balance for themselves while juggling all the things. Here’s what they had to say!

Stephanie Dorman, National Program Director

As a mom of three, I don't get much time to myself. However, I love being outside to take a short break each day. I'll either walk the dogs, walk through our garden or do some yard work. It's the only time I can say I truly am alone with my thoughts!

Tiara Brown, Associate Director, Finance & HR

As a busy working mom, finding time for self-care is essential for maintaining balance and my sanity. My "me time" routine includes leisurely drives through the vineyards, where I can unwind and you can bet I will be listening to Taylor Swift. Meditation with my red light helps me center myself and reset after a long day. And nothing beats catching up with my besties on life and what we are reading over an adult beverage.

Michelle Davis, Lead Communications Strategist

I’m a mom to three littles and life is… chaos, beautiful chaos. My self-care looks different week to week. Sometimes it's getting to binge watch TV during late night hours when everyone is asleep and there is uninterrupted silence. Other times it's getting in a hot pilates workout. And in the busiest of busy weeks, I find a way to roll down my windows on the way to school pick-up and crank up some feel-good tunes. And in those 5 glorious minutes or so, I am able to take the deep breath I need! One thing about moms is we’re resourceful! It’s all about making the time you need to bring your best self for your family and your career. After all, we deserve it!

Susan Fogarasi, Web & Graphic Designer

I like to get lost in some form of artwork or art appreciation to recharge. This is sometimes going to a museum, or just admiring the art of wildflowers growing on the sides of the road. My favorite escape is getting lost in making a clay sculpture. Whenever possible, I take a "me" trip for 1-2 nights - all by myself!

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